Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue Kentucky Derby Gala

Meet Thoroughbred race champions Montauk Traffic and Tiz He the One and local Millbrook bred Thoroughbred celebrity, Danebury! Post time is 6:57 pm. Come early and start the celebration with hors d’oeuvres and beverages. Watch the race LIVE at the farm while enjoying dinner, dancing and open bar. Saddle up for an unforgettable evening as Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue, a nonprofit equine sanctuary dedicated to providing a safe haven for retired Thoroughbreds, proudly presents the 150th Kentucky Derby Celebration. This year, our key fundraising event will be honoring Dutchess County Executive Sue Serino, New York Thoroughbred Breeders Executive Director Najja Thompson and Lucky Orphans’ own grant writer, Dawn Isaacson. The event is set to take place on May 4th, 2024, promising a memorable evening of horse racing, entertainment, and charitable spirit. The 150th Kentucky Derby, the first race of the Triple Crown, will be shared live at Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue. The pre-race celebration will feature hors d’oeuvres, beverages, games and live coverage of the pre-race. At post time, we will watch the Derby, cheering on our favorite horse. We invite you to come watch the race LIVE at the farm, and then enjoy dinner, live music by Way Behind the Sun, dancing and drinks. This event will create an immersive experience that not only celebrates the rich tradition of the Kentucky Derby, it will also raise awareness and support for the mission of “People Helping Horses Heal People.” After the race, guests will have the opportunity to meet retired racehorses, and hear from previous clients of the equine assisted development programs. As Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue gallops towards the 150th Kentucky Derby, the organization invites the community to celebrate the spirit of horse racing while making a positive impact on the lives of horses in need, as well as the human clients these horses help through personal mental health needs. This event promises to be a memorable experience for all, with the added satisfaction of supporting a worthy cause.

Lucky Orphans: National Love a Horse Day

Join us on July 13th from 1-4pm for our annual Love a Horse Hug a Horse event! Let's celebrate National I Love Horses Day! Every July, we get the opportunity to celebrate an animal that is strong, beautiful, and has had a significant role in history. With over 350 breeds of ponies and horses in the world today, these animals have given humans so many reasons to love them. Join us in celebrating our love of horses at Lucky Orphans on July 13th! Meet the minis and draft horses, spend some time with a retired racehorse. Our mission is People Helping Horses Heal People, and we invite you to learn how our 49 rescued horses work with people to educate, support and heal our community. Come learn about Lucky Orphans while supporting local vendors and making memories. Lucky Orphans is the highest accredited and licensed farm in Dutchess County, offering the highest level of equine assisted therapy and development programs. Join us and learn about what makes us so special. Enjoy a day on the farm with your family and friends! $5 donation per car load to enjoy the day!