Stable Currency

Alexa McVoy and Stable Currency

The Jockey Club Thoroughbred Incentive Program yesterday announced the recipients of its two non-competition awards, the T.I.P. Thoroughbred of the Year Award and the T.I.P. Young Rider of the Year Award, for 2019.

The young rider award, which recognizes riders 18 or younger who own or lease a Thoroughbred for use in 4-H, Pony Club, or other activities, has been awarded to Megan Grace Farnsworth, Alexa McVoy, and Claudia Rudder.

Alexa McVoy, 18, rides a 10-year-old Thoroughbred whose registered name is Stable Currency and is now known as Johnny. The pair competes in jumpers. McVoy leases Johnny from Out Side In, an organization accredited by the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance that provides equine-assisted psychotherapy to those who have been victims of trauma or suffered from other emotional and mental health issues.

McVoy plans to use her award funds for her college education. She would like to obtain a master’s degree in social work to become a psychotherapist who uses Thoroughbreds to counsel at-risk youth and veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

“Since I started riding [Johnny], he has given me confidence and taught me so much about myself,” said McVoy. “In truth, Johnny was the best thing that ever happened to me. He is always trying to please, a trait I find common in the [Thoroughbred] breed.”