
A New Start For Asuka
A New Start For Asuka

All Posts & News Press Releases Success Stories Aftercare Editorials Supporter Features Inspector Spotlights Previous Post A New start For asuka A New Start For Asuka By: Alexis Arbaugh May 29, 2024 Success Stories Tags:Circle A Home For Horses, Success story, Thoroughbred Aftercare, Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance Asuka at Circle A Home For Horses Ruth Cheyenne Gilman had been a volunteer at Circle A Home For Horses, as well as having adopted a horse previously from the organization. In the fall of 2022. Asuka, a slender and beautiful Thoroughbred mare arrived at Circle A Home For Horses in Virgina Beach, Virginia. Initially, Asuka appeared moody and seemed to be “thoroughly scared of people,” wrote Ruth when she met the bay mare. However, after having time to adjust to her new environment and get to know her new caretakers, Asuka slowly came around. Less than a year later, in the summer of 2023, Asuka was ready and in need of a new home. Fortunately for Asuka, Ruth’s husband had always been drawn to her, and when he found out that she needed a home, he knew just how to persuade Ruth. Asuka was just a “feisty, opinionated, misunderstood mare” who needed a place to call home. Circle A Home For Horses Soon after getting the mare to Ruth’s house, her husband went back to work and Asuka became Ruth’s sole responsibility. For a while Asuka remained scared and closed off to the environment and people, as she was when she first arrived at Circle A Home for Horses. Once Asuka realized that Ruth and her husband were her new herd, her aggressive behavior started to slowly disappear. “She is still incredibly opinionated but so am I [and] seeing her come around has been amazing,” Ruth wrote. With “consistency, confidence, and trust” they continue to chug along in their training. Ruth couldn’t be prouder of Asuka. Some days they make a lot of progress and other days they just make small steps, nonetheless they move forward. Ruth is very careful with the number of expectations she puts on Asuka because she understands that Asuka probably had quite a demanding life as a racehorse. She just wants Asuka to be happy. “We work every day on physical and mental health,” wrote Ruth. Starting in the summer of 2024, Ruth will evaluate Asuka on if she wants to be a riding horse. Ruth is not worried one bit if Asuka decides that she doesn’t right now, she is committed to going at Asuka’s pace and doing what Asuka wants when she is ready. “My # 1 goal is [to keep] Asuka safe, happy, healthy, and [that] she knows she is loved], Ruth wrote. Asuka | Ruth Gilman Share This Article   Do you have a success story that you would like to share? Submit your experience with an accredited organization here: Success Story Submission

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