Bowman Second Chance Thoroughbred Adoption

Rehabilitation, Adoption
Anoka, Minnesota
Average Number of Thoroughbreds
He doesn’t remember the exact year. It was probably 1998, or maybe 1999, when a horse trainer at Canterbury Park first asked the question. “Bowman, can you find a home for this horse?”
With that question started the now retired veterinarian’s decades long efforts in the Thoroughbred aftercare industry. At first it was unofficial. Dr. Richard Bowman, DVM, transported retired horses personally to his 4,000-acre cattle ranch in North Dakota. But later the organization named after him became official in 2014
Nothing moves Bowman as deeply as seeing a prospective owner fall in love with one of his horses. A few years ago, Andrea Keacher, owner of Boulder Pointe Equestrian and Event Center in Anoka County, held a horse show just for Bowman.
“We wanted to honor him and show him where his horses had gone and what they were doing,”
Keacher says. “Our students wrote letters telling him what the horses meant to them. He was so thrilled.”
At least 50 Bowman Thoroughbreds have come through Keacher’s stable, finding new work as successful hunter/jumpers, dressage, eventers and polo ponies. The gentlest become mounts for her riding students.
“I really believe the Thoroughbred is the most beautiful creature ever invented,” Bowman says.
“To give them a second chance, it just makes my heart feel good. And if the horses are happy, and the people who get them are happy, that’s the greatest thing I can think of.”
In March 2022, Dr. Bowman sold his land in North Dakota and entered a version of retirement. This change required a new home for the organization that carries his name and he called his longtime friend in the Thoroughbred rescue business, Andrea Keacher (now Gustafson).
Dr. Bowman has known Andrea for over 20 years. They met well before she had her own horse business and successful record of rescuing OTTB horses. Andrea started Boulder Pointe Equestrian & Event Center, LLC in 2013 but has been training horses and teaching riders since she was 16.
Andrea jumped at the opportunity to expand her rescue efforts by officially hosting the organization on a portion of her farm in Nowthen, MN.
Dr. Bowman remains an active board member for the organization.
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