Healing Arenas

One Last Time and Summer in Del Mar help facilitate Corporate Team Building for the Behavioral Health team from our local Hospital, Carson Valley Health, learning to stay ‘connected’ with each other.
  • Services

    Retraining/Adoption, Equine-Assisted

  • Location

    Gardnerville, Nevada

  • Founded


  • Average Number of Thoroughbreds


At Healing Arenas, we are proud to serve these fine athletes and appreciate all our relationships within the racing industry for over 30 years. We’re grateful to those who trust us enough to retrain and re-home retired Thoroughbreds, who so willingly continue to give, due to their big hearts and wonderful work ethic.

Our organization is continuing to find ways these former racehorses can evolve by utilizing them as part of our team for equine assisted work with humans.  Our Stable Vets project is in full swing, we’re building our First Responder Support Network, continuing The HIM (Horses in Ministry) Project, as well as providing Corporate Team Building for multiple companies.  Providing these services fulfills our dual-purpose mission “to provide public and charitable opportunities to support emotional healing through equine interaction, and to provide safe and restorative homes to retired racehorses.”

“The horses open the door for change, it takes the focus off me/us and that makes collaboration and risk-taking safer,” M.G., Carson Valley Health

“I loved the feedback to us about how different the horses were with our team. Gave us a perspective we would not have otherwise known.” E.D., Carson Valley Health

“We grew in trust – both the horses and each other.” W.H., Carson Valley Health