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Happy Holidays from the thousands of Thoroughbreds at Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance accredited charities across North America! This year, consolidate your holiday shopping and give a gift with meaning. Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance accredited charities, big and small, do the hard work of caring for our equine athletes 365 days a year. Join the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance Holiday Giving Campaign where one gift from you affects all 86 accredited charities and the horses that call them home. Join us, and together we can make a difference.

Read the full press release here.


Craig Accardo
Lisa J. Achilli
Karen Addison
Emily Alberti
Richard Alker
Thomas Allen
Deborah Archambeault
Bob Baffert
Craig Van Balen
Lawrence Barnett
Betsy Bayha
Michele Bell
Joshua Bell
Gregory Belton
John Benitz
Sarah Benitz
Patricia Boig
Donna Booth
Cathy Bouck
Caton Bredar
Susie Bricker
Hidden Brook
John Brothers
Boyd T. Browning
Jessica Buckley
Theodore Burnett
Toni Calabrese
Doug Cauthen
Roger Chappell
Dolly Coburn
Eugenia Colon
Linda Conroy
John Crutcher
John Cummins
Kathy Curry
Nicholas D'Amore
Chanda Day
Daniel Deatrick
William DiGaetano
Jeff Dunlop
Michelle Durkin
Jessica Eikenberry
Kathryn Ennis
Teresa Fasolino
Marcia Ferguson
Laura Flagg
Logan Freeman
Sharon Gillette
Brett Rae Glotzer
Kirsten Green
Raina Gunderson
Keely Gustin
Georganne Hale
Curt Hartman
Phoebe Hayes
Richard Heysek
Jane Hollandsworth
Joanne Van Horn
Barry Hunlock
Ivona Janieszewski
Jeanne Jenks
Lars Jensen
Solomon Jensen
Gillian Johnson
Ronald E. Johnson
Starlene Justice
Robert Kane
Aryl Kohrs
Kelley Kraeszig
Deborah Kuntzman
Gloria Lalumia
William Landes
Robert Landry
Sara Langsam
Julie Loboyko
Rachael Loeb
Elliott Logan
Kate Madden
Steven Martone
Margaret McHugh
Terry McLendon
Mark Meares
Patricia Medine
Shirnavaz Morelli
Debra K. Morris
Dan Murphy
Robert Murphy
Lou Naylor
Claudia Neal
Cathy Nelson
Peter Ninnivaggio
Sean Nolan
Susan S. Ochs
Kristin O'Connor
Michelle Padgett
Janice Pancirer
Pat Payne
Heidi A. Peditto
Barbara Pelle
James Perry
Linda Philbin
Nick Polydoros
PJ Preskenis
Joseph Pulaski
Windward Racing
Debbie Ratcliffe
Jennifer Rees
Jim Rhodes
Susan B. Roberts
Cecilia O. Rock
Stacie Clark Rogers
Mike Rogers
Peter Rotondo
Geoffrey Russell
William Sadoo
Jane Salgado
Dawne Salloum
Lorrie A. Scardino
Patrice Schoepf
Yvonne Schwabe
Petra Schwabe
Dawn Serey
Bill Shaner
Darlene Shannon
Colin Sheehan
Jan Sheridan
Richard Siegel
Laura Simcox
Athena Sloan
Brooks Slotterback
David Small
Rita Smith
Holly Spada
Keith Stafford
Paul Stanford
Troy Stinson
Sheri H. Stirling
Denali Stud
Sarah Sullivan
Denise Super
Daryl Thompson
Ira Thomsen
Mike Tivnan
Cindy Trask
Ann Turnicky
Brit Vegas
Steven Vicera
Nicholas Vitti
Nicole Walker
Linda Walker
Bayne Welker
Laura White
Susan Whitlock
Kim Wickens
Michaelle L. Wisniewski
Gary Young

Donate Directly

Help us make the holidays a little brighter and support the 81 accredited organizations by making a donation to Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance.

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Customized printed cards may be available for larger donations.
Please email Emily Dresen at to inquire.