Hope For Horses

Hope For Horses’ on-site trainer Erik with Spanish Crayon, an OTTB available for adoption, and Erin, a Hope For Horses volunteer.
  • Services

    Rehabilitation, Retraining/Adoption

  • Location

    Galt, California

  • Founded


  • Average Number of Thoroughbreds


Hope For Horses was established in 2013, taking in, retraining, and re-homing just a few off-the track Thoroughbreds and broodmares. It has since grown into an organization able to help a far greater number of horses annually and across the country, as Hope For Horses has recently expanded to Virginia.

Its programs are education-based, teaching people how to better care for horses and to understand that education is a journey that never ends. Hope for Horses brings in retiring racehorses and uses the training they had on the track, as well as teaching these horses the skills needed in their new roles as equestrian mounts.

The primary focus is to help these magnificent animals transition into other disciplines, providing training and mental/emotional wellness. Educating, training, and molding these horses makes them better prepared to find forever homes.

Hope For Horses offers continued lessons and training to all its adopted horses as well as other horses in the community. Nationally known clinicians are brought in several times a year to broaden the knowledge of participants. Hope For Horses is part of the Forever Foundation with Trevor Carter, who provides online video lessons and outlines goals to achieve with each horse in the program.

Educating the general public about horses and how they are retrained to lead a new life has brought many new people to the equestrian community, which in turn provides more homes for more horses.

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