The New Life of Money Talks
Thursday, September 21, 2023
By: Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance
A promising young racehorse with $195,248 in career earnings, Money Talks had multiple listed stakes under his belt by the time he was four-years-old. He even ran in the Prince of Wales (Black Type) at Woodbine in 2014. Unfortunately, after being stepped on during the OLG Elgin Stakes (Black Type) a month later, his interest in racing waned significantly over the following years and his connections made the responsible decision to retire him.
Located on over 100 acres of beautiful landscape in Hillsburgh, Ontario, LongRun, a Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance accredited organization, was the perfect place for the son of multiple graded stakes winner Mobil to begin his new life off track. When he stepped off the trailer in November of 2019, Money Talks exuded confidence. “The main thing I remember about Money was his class. He walked off the trailer and settled in like he owned the place”, recalled Farm Manager Lauren Millet-Sampson about the day Money Talks arrived at LongRun’s facility. “He did everything we asked of him with such high class and took his new life in stride from day one”.
While Money Talks was assessing his new domain at LongRun, adult amateur Jillian Wainwright was beginning a new journey of her own. “My Quarter Horse mare was well into her twenties and I had been looking for a new horse for some time,” she said. “I saw many horses, but nothing about them said this is ‘The One’.” When a friend suggested that she take a look at an off track Thoroughbred and pointed her in LongRun’s direction, Wainwright was hesitant to say the least. “My first thought was ‘That’s insane!’ I could never ride a racehorse! I knew nothing about Thoroughbreds or racing,” she recalled. “However, I went onto the website and knew instantly that there was something special about these horses. Their gentle, soft eyes caught my attention right away.”

After filling out an adoption form for pre-approval, it didn’t take long for the team at LongRun to find the right fit for Wainwright- the nine-year-old recent retiree, Money Talks. “Within a few weeks LongRun contacted me saying that they had a horse they thought I might like to meet,” said Wainwright.
Wainwright saw herself go from being hesitant, to considering an ex-racehorse, to being interested in one with 49 starts on his record. In May of 2020, she and a friend made the over six-hour drive to LongRun to meet Money Talks. “He was in his stall and as I approached, he put his head over the door. There was an instant connection, he looked right into my eyes and put his head on my shoulder,” she recalled. “It was like being reunited with an old friend and I knew right then and there that I had found ‘The One.’ I spent time grooming him and walking him around in the arena, but I already knew this beautiful horse and I were going to have a future together.” It was official, Money Talks had found his forever home.

One month later, on June 17, 2020, Wainwright welcomed Money Talks to her farm, grateful to see that she wasn’t the only one excited for her new partner to arrive. “My other horses accepted him immediately, no whinnying, no squealing,” she said. “It was almost as if they knew he was meant to be there! It was the easiest transition I have ever experienced.”
Money Talks would spend the next several months relaxing and enjoying his transition to life as a retired racehorse. “We spent time together, just getting to know each other,” said Wainwright. Ever the cool customer, the bay gelding had no issues adjusting to his new life, so it came as no shock when he effortlessly began retraining for his new career. “Our transition to riding went just as smoothly,” Wainwright reported. “We are taking our time with training and are being helped by a good friend who is an experienced trainer. There is no rush, no deadlines that have to be met.”
With Wainwright and her trainer’s help, Money Talks has begun to slowly accept more contact in the bridle as well as tackle the strange new world of trot poles. “He thinks is the most bizarre activity as why step over them when you can just go around?” Wainwright said. His personality continued to shine and it wouldn’t take long for him to earn a new name. “Money Talks is a ray of sunshine in my life and it wasn’t long before he became known as Sunny,” reported Wainwright. “Sunny is truly Mr. Personality! He is incredibly smart and has an amazing work ethic. He learns so quickly and doesn’t forget. He gives his best every time we ride.”

Since they have been taking things slow and steady, the duo has developed a strong foundation together and Wainwright couldn’t be happier. “Adopting Money Talks, aka Sunny, was the best decision I have ever made,” she proudly stated. “He is an amazing horse, and I am incredibly lucky to have him. I will be forever grateful to his owners and to LongRun. They have given me the opportunity to fulfill my lifelong dreams.”

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