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Mountain Yodler and His Girl
Mountain Yodler and His Girl
By: Alexis Arbaugh

After being involved in a bad accident on horseback, April recognized that if she was going to own another horse it would have to be dependable and safe. She was determined to rebuild her confidence and sought a horse she could wholeheartedly rely on, envisioning a future together with her new riding partner.
April was never a big fan of Thoroughbreds because she grew up riding Quarter Horses and Warm Bloods until she found Mountain Yodler. While searching on the Redwings Horse Sanctuary website, she was drawn to his kind eyes, he was a gorgeous, big, bay gelding that looked like he would be the perfect fit for April. She set out on a mission to Lockwood, California to find herself a horse. She set out on a mission to Lockwood, California to find herself a horse.
She knew from the moment she saw and rode Mountain Yodler at the sanctuary that he needed to come home with her. His barn name is Hank now and he is “the love of my life,” wrote April.
In the 7 years that April has had Hank, he has taught her so much. They fully trust one another and know that they will always stand by each other’s side. In their partnership, Hank’s honesty and dependability shine through, especially when it comes to jumping. He doesn’t hold grudges or become agitated if April makes a mistake. Hank fearlessly approaches even the most unconventional-looking jumps and gracefully adapts to both long and short distances. Hank is the perfect horse for her because he is just the right amount of a challenge while still offering forgiveness.
Upon adopting Hank, April received advice from her doctor, cautioning her to be very careful when it came to her riding due to her prior injury. Despite these limitations, she was happy knowing that she could flat safely and possibly do some pole work or cross-rail work. She felt very comfortable with Hank and knew that he would always take care of her.

Hank has not only met but exceeded every goal April had set for him. Astonishingly, he’s even taken on jumps as high as 2’9.
Unfortunately, Hank has been diagnosed with Anhidrosis, a condition that impairs the proper functioning of his sweat glands or, in some cases, renders them nonfunctional. It is a problem because it doesn’t allow a horse to sweat properly, therefore making it hard for the horse to cool down after a workout. Horses with Anhidrosis should refrain from engaging in strenuous activities. Post-workout care becomes crucial to ensure his body temperature returns to a safe range. Given this diagnosis, it is strongly recommended that Hank’s activities be limited to jumps 2’9 and under and that he avoids participating in horse shows to safeguard his health.

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