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Scouted: A New Beginning
Scouted: A New Beginning
By: Alexis Arbaugh

As Olivia Holland searched for the perfect horse, she discovered Win Place Home, a Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance accredited organization in Canyon County, California. This organization offers former racehorses a supportive environment during their transition from racing to a new career. To aid in this transition, Win Place Home employs Elisabeth Hower, a certified Monty Roberts instructor.
The training program developed by Monty Roberts educates individuals in the principles of natural horsemanship, focusing on both students and horses. Through these lessons, participants gain insights into horse behavior and its impact on their bond with the animal. The curriculum covers fundamental concepts such as pressure and release, leadership abilities, setting boundaries, ensuring safety, desensitization, and more, all aimed at fostering a collaborative partnership between owner and horse.

Olivia attended several Monty Roberts sessions with Elisabeth, and after evaluating various Thoroughbreds, she ultimately found her perfect match. Originally registered as Scouted, he was soon renamed BoJack. Among all the horses Olivia considered, BoJack stood out. “Bojack’s calm and gentle nature is what stuck out the most,” Olivia said. “Out of all of the horses I got to try at Monty Roberts he felt the calmest and most reliable”. After experiencing BoJack’s serene demeanor and unwavering reliability, Olivia made the decision to adopt him, eager to embark on their journey together.
BoJack has adjusted seamlessly to life at Olivia’s home. He now happily shares a spacious pasture with a friend. They can be seen chasing each other around during the day and napping together at night. However, BoJack’s greatest joy lies in the simple pleasure of being groomed, where he thoroughly enjoys the sensation of being scratched, petted, and showered with affection.
Presently, Olivia and BoJack are diligently focused on their retraining regimen, beginning with groundwork to cultivate a positive relationship between the pair. Together they work on Dressage and building confidence through trail rides. They are also working on getting BoJack into shape and teaching him how to effectively engage and utilize his hind end.
“Although the training process hasn’t been easy, it has been fun,” wrote Olivia. “Ground work has been key to creating a positive relationship”. Olivia remains hopeful that as his confidence continues to grow, that they will soon be able to go on extended trail rides. Their transition from trail walks to Dressage work has been very smooth. Olivia has hopes to take BoJack to some schooling shows in the future.
Olivia’s dedication to BoJack is unwavering, ensuring he receives excellent care and a fulfilling life. “I am very grateful to own Bojack and I am excited for our future,” Olivia shared. BoJack’s steady improvements in their training and positive influence on Olivia’s confidence and riding abilities have her eagerly anticipating their future adventures.

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