South Florida SPCA

Bis GoldenGlory, barn name Chanel, showing her painting chops!
  • Services

    Rehabilitation, Retraining/Adoption

  • Location

    Homestead, Florida

  • Founded


  • Average Number of Thoroughbreds


The South Florida SPCA makes a great effort to ensure that our Off-Track Thoroughbreds are provided with a high standard of medical treatments needed for maximum recovery, but also high levels of enrichment during their rehabilitation process. Often the Thoroughbreds arrive at the South Florida SPCA needing strict stall rest for some time. To support mental stimulation and to offer a different outlet during their stall rest, we use positive reinforcement training to teach them various behaviors and novel ways to engage with training, other than riding or being turned out to pasture.

Bis GoldenGlory, or as we call her, Chanel, came in with a bowed tendon requiring stall rest. She was less than pleased with the required stall rest, and she is by nature a very oral horse. We took her natural propensity for grabbing things with her mouth and taught her to utilize her natural tendency for behavior that we could utilize to assist in our fundraising efforts while giving her an outlet. Our trainer, through the course of small repetitive sessions, has taught Chanel how to hold a paintbrush and paint. Keep an eye out for Chanel Art being available shortly.

Broadcast Time, another Off-Track Thoroughbred rehabilitated by South Florida SPCA, who has since been adopted into a loving permanent home, was taught how to say yes, say no, pick up things from the ground and hand them to you, bow, and self-adjust to the mounting block. All these behaviors were taught to him during his stall rest in the interest of keeping him engaged when he was unable to be allowed to be turned out.

On behalf of the Thoroughbreds we serve, we are deeply grateful for the opportunities that come with being accredited with Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance. These magnificent horses deserve the opportunity to thrive in their next chapter. Through our collaboration with TAA, we can be instrumental in the collective effort to make sure all off-track Thoroughbreds are healthy, loved, and in amazing homes for their next chapters of life.

Once a Thoroughbred has become a member of the South Florida SPCA horse population, they are guaranteed to always and forever have a safe space to return to if need be. South Florida SPCA guarantees that all our horses can return at any time under any circumstances. After going through a rigorous adoption application process, horses that are adopted are followed up on to ensure a successful adoption. Our trainer is also willing to and has provided follow-up training and tips specific to each horse to assist in transitions to new owners.

The South Florida SPCA loves our off-track-Thoroughbreds and considers it a privilege to be stewards of their care and their future outcomes.

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